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Reception Package:

Early Learning Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Welcome to Our Reception Online Learning Experience!

Embark on an exciting early learning journey designed for Reception students. Our online program offers pre-recorded lessons that introduce young learners to fundamental concepts in Maths and English, all aligned with the Early Learning Foundation Stage (EYFS) of the UK National Curriculum. Each lesson is accompanied by a comprehensive worksheet book to reinforce learning through fun and engaging activities.

Maths Lessons:

  1. Number Recognition and Counting:Students will learn to recognize numbers up to 10 and count objects reliably. Through interactive activities, they will understand the concept of "more" and "fewer," laying the groundwork for future mathematical skills.

  2. Simple Addition and Subtraction:Early mathematical thinking is encouraged through basic addition and subtraction using objects and visual aids. Students will explore concepts of "adding more" and "taking away," making maths both fun and meaningful.

  3. Shapes and Space:Children will be introduced to common 2D shapes like circles, squares, and triangles. They will explore space by understanding positional language, such as "in front," "behind," "next to," and "under."

  4. Patterns and Sorting:This lesson encourages children to recognize and create simple patterns and to sort objects based on size, shape, and color, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

English Lessons:

  1. Phonics Phase 1:Through engaging sounds and music, children will develop their listening skills, which are crucial for early phonics development. They will begin to distinguish between different sounds, a key step towards reading.

  2. Phonics Phase 2:Students will start to link sounds to letters, learning initial sounds and simple CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. This phase lays the foundation for early reading skills.

  3. Early Writing Skills:Children will be encouraged to make marks and attempt to write letters and simple words. This lesson focuses on developing fine motor skills essential for writing.

  4. Story Time and Comprehension:Interactive storytelling sessions will help children enjoy and understand simple stories, enhancing their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Worksheet Book:The accompanying worksheet book offers activities like tracing numbers and letters, sorting and matching shapes, and simple counting exercises, providing a well-rounded early learning experience.

Website and Accessibility:Our user-friendly website ensures that all resources are easily accessible, with support available to assist parents in guiding their child's early learning journey.

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