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Year 2 Package
Welcome to Our Year 2 Online Learning Experience!
Our Year 2 program builds on the skills developed in Year 1, offering a more in-depth exploration of key Maths and English concepts. The lessons are aligned with the UK National Curriculum for Year 2 and are designed to make learning both engaging and effective.
Maths Lessons:
Place Value and Number Facts:Students will deepen their understanding of place value, working with numbers up to 100. They will also learn key number facts, such as pairs of numbers that make 10 and 20.
Addition and Subtraction:Lessons will focus on addition and subtraction strategies, including using number bonds, counting on/back, and understanding inverse relationships.
Multiplication and Division:Students will start to learn the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, along with simple division, reinforcing these concepts through grouping and sharing activities.
Fractions:The concept of fractions will be expanded to include thirds and quarters, with activities that help students find fractions of sets and shapes.
Shapes, Space, and Patterns:Students will explore properties of 2D and 3D shapes, learning about symmetry, and creating more complex patterns.
Measurement:Lessons will cover measuring lengths, mass, temperature, and capacity, with practical activities that connect these concepts to real-life situations.
English Lessons:
Advanced Phonics and Spelling:Building on their phonics knowledge, students will learn more complex spelling patterns and rules, enhancing their reading and writing skills.
Expanded Vocabulary and Grammar:Lessons will introduce new vocabulary and basic grammar concepts, including adjectives, verbs, and nouns, helping students to express themselves more clearly.
Sentence and Paragraph Writing:Students will begin writing longer pieces, focusing on constructing paragraphs and using descriptive language.
Reading Comprehension and Fluency:Interactive reading activities will help students improve their comprehension and fluency, with a focus on understanding the meaning and context of what they read.
Worksheet Book:The worksheet book includes a variety of activities, such as problem-solving exercises, writing practice, and reading comprehension tasks, all designed to reinforce the lessons.