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Year 6 Package

Welcome to Our Year 6 Online Learning Experience!

Year 6 is a pivotal year, where students consolidate their learning and prepare for their transition to secondary school. Our program aligns with the UK National Curriculum, offering an engaging and well-rounded learning experience in Maths and English to ensure every student is confident and prepared for the next stage of their education.

Maths Lessons:

  1. Place Value and Rounding: Students will work with numbers up to 10,000,000, understanding the value of each digit and rounding numbers to any given degree of accuracy.

  2. Advanced Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division: Lessons will focus on solving multi-step problems using formal written methods, mental strategies, and reasoning to ensure fluency in all four operations.

  3. Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages: Students will deepen their understanding of fractions by comparing, ordering, and converting between fractions, decimals, and percentages, solving real-world problems involving these concepts.

  4. Ratio and Proportion: Students will explore the relationship between quantities, solving problems involving scale factors, percentages, and direct proportion.

  5. Geometry and Measurement: Lessons will include calculating angles in triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons, as well as understanding the properties of circles, and calculating area, perimeter, and volume in complex contexts.

  6. Algebra and Sequences: Students will be introduced to algebra, learning how to solve equations and understand simple sequences.

  7. Statistics: Lessons will focus on interpreting and constructing pie charts, line graphs, and data tables, as well as calculating the mean, median, mode, and range.

English Lessons:

  1. Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: Students will refine their skills in spelling complex words, using advanced punctuation such as colons, semi-colons, and dashes, and applying grammar concepts such as subjunctive mood and passive voice.

  2. Creative and Formal Writing: Lessons will encourage students to write across a variety of genres, including stories, persuasive essays, formal letters, and reports, focusing on structure, vocabulary, and tone.

  3. Reading Comprehension and Literary Analysis: Students will analyze texts in depth, identifying themes, making inferences, and evaluating the effectiveness of the author’s language and techniques.

  4. Poetry and Figurative Language: Students will study classic and contemporary poetry, exploring the use of imagery, metaphors, and other figurative language to enhance their writing and understanding of texts.

  5. Debates and Drama: Students will develop their speaking and listening skills through debates and dramatic performances, fostering confidence, critical thinking, and collaboration.

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