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The Complete Platform Handbook

Everything You Need to Know


How does Learninet work?

Welcome to our innovative interactive pre-recorded learning platform, where children can excel in math and English from the comfort of their own place and time. Our comprehensive pre-recorded service provides engaging and interactive lessons to enhance their skills, boost confidence, and foster a lifelong love for learning. With our carefully curated curriculum and experienced educators, we offer a convenient solution for busy parents seeking a top-quality education for their children. Explore our vast library of engaging quizzes and exercises tailored to different age groups and skill levels. Join us on this educational journey and unlock your child's full potential in math and English!"

How do I get started?

1-It depends on your child's current class for this year.

2- Once you subscribe, you'll receive the first unit for your children to work on at their own pace. Once they complete the online lessons and worksheets, we'll provide feedback and promptly send the next unit's package. This cycle will continue as long as you maintain your subscription.


3- To ensure effective learning, we suggest you complete a maximum of only one lesson daily. Along with each lesson, we recommend that you complete the corresponding worksheet.


4- It is important that your child complete both the interactive lesson and the corresponding worksheet together.


5- It is advised to proceed with lessons at a comfortable pace. It is common for children to experience delays or only finish some lessons within a week. However, you can always make up for it with your personalised routine. Remember, learning is a gradual process that develops skills over time. It is crucial to devote at least 30 minutes and a maximum of 2 hours per week to achieving progress. Learninet provides the flexibility to select the best time for your child's learning.


6- Share your feedback. Our teachers will use this feedback to customise the next unit for your child's learning needs.


7- If your child struggles with a particular lesson. Please share your feedback so our teachers can work with you to find a solution.


8- Please print all worksheets and put them in a ring binder folder to record your child's progress month by month.


9- During the activity, if you have any questions or problems, please email:


10- After completing a lesson, the next lesson will automatically appear.


11- Once the first unit's lessons have been completed and the completed worksheets have been uploaded, the schedule for the second week will become available.


As a parent, I have concerns regarding my child's foundation in Maths and English as they prepare to enter Year Two on September 1, 2023. What steps can I take to address these concerns?

Our reception classes focus on providing students with a strong foundation in education, ensuring that all necessary educational requirements are confidently met.


In Year 1 and Year 2 classes, we carefully cover the curriculum while revisiting the previous year's material during the first month of class to help students retain the information more easily. Within the first few months, students should feel comfortable with the material from the previous year.

​Will the Learninet curriculum benefit my child at school?

Our curriculum is closely linked to the UK National Curriculum, so your child will undoubtedly do better at school. Every week, our teacher evaluates each child's performance and thoroughly checks your child's progress.

What is phonics?

In primary schools in the UK, children are taught synthetic phonics as a means to acquire reading and writing skills. This approach is deemed more effective than the traditional analytic phonics method that involves breaking down words into individual components. Synthetic phonics involves first familiarizing children with the 44 fundamental sounds of English, and then utilizing corresponding letters or phonics to construct words. If you wish to learn more about phonics, refer to our comprehensive guide. At Learninet, we provide support for the entire spectrum of phonics in line with the UK curriculum.


​Can Learninet be used to help my child or pupil(s) with the year one phonics screen check?

Our curriculum covers all the phonics that could come up in the year one phonics screen check—and more. If your child or pupil(s) manages to complete all the phonics lessons, they will excel in this screen check and set themselves up nicely in their literacy journey. You can view a detailed overview of all the phonics lessons we have to offer here.

Parent and children's platform

What is the difference between the child's portal and the parent's portal?

Learninet has two separate portals for children's safety and education. The parent portal allows you to manage your account and subscriptions. On the other hand, the children's portal is where your child can access and complete the classes.


To access the parent portal, please click the login button on this page's up-right side.




To access the children's portal, please click the down button here:




As soon as you purchase one of our plans, you'll receive an email with a login and password for the kid portal.

From this page, you may access the children's Portal.

​I need help with the issue. What is the best way to reach you personally?

Please Email this address, and we will get back to you quickly.              ​​


How can I measure my child's progress on Learninet?

On the children's portal dashboard, you'll see detailed data showing your child's progress in each subject as a course completion percentage. And you will receive an email every month detailing how much your child progressed the previous month.

Do I need to help my child use the platform?

We would recommend you being ready to help them when they need it.

What are the technical requirements for Learninet?

All you need to get started is a computer or tablet with a connection to the internet.

Computer requirements:

  • Windows, Mac OS, or Chrome OS (including Chromebooks)

  • An up-to-date version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge

  • 512 MB of installed RAM (at the minimum)

  • Resolution of 1024X768 with 32-bit colour depth

  • Workable audio

  • An Internet connection speed of at least 25Mbps.


How to access the Children's Portal


​How does the four-day free trial work?

You can take advantage of a 7-day free trial to test whether our service suits your child without any payment required. If you discover that the Learninet platform does not fulfil your requirements within seven days, you can cancel it without incurring any charges before the seven-day period ends.

​Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time for any reason with no extra charges incurred. There are no year-long commitments; you are charged on a month-by-month basis. If you cancel, your account will remain active until the end of the billed month, and you will still have access to the lessons during this time.

​Where can I manage my payment and subscriptions?

You can manage your payments and subscriptions on your parent account page, accessed here

​What should I do if I forget my password?

If you forgot your password on either of our platforms, click on the "forgot password" prompt on either of the log-in pages, and a new password will be sent to your registered email address.

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